Our Mission
GVO exists to teach God's Word with compassion and clarity. We relentlessly pursue making disciples that make disciples (cp. Matthew 28:19).
Goal One
Offer rich and practical Bible instruction at no or low cost to the learner. This is a time when knowledge of the Bible must increase, not be “dumbed down.” No Jesus follower should be held back in their learning because of money!
Goal Two
Assist people and organizations who are reaching out in Jesus’ name around the globe in their task of making Jesus known through His Word. We do this by offering on-site instruction in various countries, as well as providing many materials for them to use in their own work or offering assistance on specific outreach projects.
Goal Three
Raise up a new generation of Jesus followers who are winsome but unapologetic about their faith, solid in their Biblical understanding and committed to following Jesus in their lifestyle. We do this by offering instruction on travel experiences and in seminars, as well as via videos, books and online teaching materials.
Putting the Bible in context will help students grasp His story in a new and powerful way.
Grasping God’s plan from His Word changes everything. One hundred million years from now, the most important thing about you will be this: “Did you surrender your life to Jesus?”
Begin the journey of following God, not by joining a group, or grabbing a theology. Start with the Bible. That record reveals God’s heart. If you don’t have another place to start, drop into www.1hour1book.com and pick one of God’s messages. You’ll be glad you did! These aren’t high tech movies. They are simple, straightforward explanations of each book offered at no cost to you.